Using Your Insurance

DC Acupuncture will submit claims directly to BlueCross BlueShield (in-network) for patients who have acupuncture coverage.  DC Acupuncture is not in network with BCBS BlueChoice. Please call your provider to learn how many visits are covered, if there are limitations on what can be treated, and what your patient responsibility is.

For patients with BlueChoice, United Healthcare, Aetna, and Cigna, DC Acupuncture will submit claims, as a courtesy, and assign reimbursement directly to the patient. Please find out if acupuncture is a covered benefit before requesting this service.


Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment (1.5 hrs): $175

Acupuncture Treatment (1 hr): $115

Acupuncture Treatment if you have not been seen for 2 or more months (1 hr): $135

Federal Employees:

BCBS Fed Standard:
24 visits per calendar year; copay 20% of allowed amount (~$13)

BCBS Fed Basic: 
10 visits per calendar year with a $30 copay